Growing with Potential, Through Digital Marketing.

Small plant growing

Questions will strike like ‘How’ Digital marketing will make you grow with potential?

To know more Marketing there are few questions, which you need to answer, answer to grow potentially ahead. For now answer these questions mentioned below in your mind.

In the article further you will able to gain knowledge which will clear your doubts and your answers will have a clear vision.

  1. Have you tried any form of marketing for your business?
  2. Do you have any effective products which are unable to reach to the consumers?
  3. Do you know about the powers marketing holds digitally?

Ask these questions to yourself. and answer them, answer them honestly.

By this time I assume you have answered them.’

Yes! This article will help you know the power of Digital marketing. So let’s begin what you are going to read and learn here.

  1. Fundamentals of Marketing.
  2. Traditional Vs Digital marketing.
  3. Great communication skills.
  4. Building a strong brand and the CATT Marketing funnel.
  5. Integrated Digital marketing.
  6. Personal brand and Mass trust.
  7. How to practice success.


You must have heard the term “Law of Marketing”. Let’s go deep into it, so you can get an idea.

Marketing is not only about art, but science involves more and has a greater importance than art. In a way to analyze right consumer, doing product research.

Law of Marketing.

  1. Why it’s more connected to Science? you may ask. Isn’t marketing about creativity?

No! Marketing is always related to the science, Creativity just acts like toppings over a pizza.

To give an idea.

Products which is introduced in the market knowing the demand of the customer has a better chances of selling right?

For Instance, as we all know due to pollution and hectic work life everyone don’t have time to take care of their skin. So “Mama Earth” came in the market and introduced it’s wide range of skin products (which are natural). As they know customers will like it as it’s all natural and at a reasonable price.

Here it is Science which made their products got sold and made profits, because they understand the problems of the customer, they learned what the customer needs and then made products.

2. Marketing means selling the right products to right consumer at the right time.

What does that means?

Consider a Hotel manager gives non-smoker a room in which guest can smoke, will he like it? Of course NO. Because no matter how clean the room the smell of smoke will exist.

But in other condition when a non-smoker gets a room where smoking is prohibited. He will be happy and enjoy his stay.

Knowing your guests (Customers), selling the right product to RIGHT PERSON, is important so they will ben happy and remain customers for life.

When the customer is happy He/ She will come again and again & also He/ She will recommend to stay at the same place.

Isn’t this story teaches you some crucial laws of marketing?

  • Know your Customers and solve their problems.
  • It builds trust and by that trust they will be our customer for a longtime and lifetime.
  • Mouth marketing will help your brand become popular which will be done by the customers.
  • Your customers becomes your Brand Ambassadors.

This will be possible only when you choose right audience, so make a note about this section in your mind, and apply.

Traditional V/S Digital marketing

Image source: , Illustration by Orange Crush

Traditional marketing is what we see all around us in the form of Newspaper, TV, Radio etc.

While on the other hand Digital Marketing is what you see generally through Internet by E-mails, Facebook, Instagram.

Digital Marketing is becoming the new normal but the significance of the Traditional marketing exists in some situations.

Traditional marketing is important when it comes to sell generic products example: Samsung Products.

As our Grandparents generation are more likely to attract through advertisements shown on Television because they can’t do a lot on smartphones like clicking on ad, read description in small letters.

Ayurvedic products have better chances of selling through on Traditional marketing, as they need for any pain

The advantage with traditional marketing is that it reaches wider audience but the disadvantage is what we can’t keep a track whether it reached right audience or not.

Talking about today’s generation is complete different. They don’t watch television much. They need everything on phones and computers and search for solutions just by googling.

Digital marketing works best for this generation. They try to find solutions on the web. There are higher chances they might land on your page or your email list and they may buy the product.

Social media gives a personalized experience. Example: I searched for laptops some days ago and after sometime I started getting ads on Instagram.

The Option of Direct Response Marketing is helping to create more sales.

With personalization, it feels like we have have a direct communication with the target audience. So we can say that digital marketing is powerful and unique in its’s own way.

Great Communication Skills

Is great communication skills essential and important? YES.

Good communication leads you to good marketing.

It’s not related to the language or not necessary to use high vocabulary. It’s in the way you convince the people to buy the product.

You might think then how to convince people?

It’s simple just by joining the conversation which is going on their mind already. You will find solutions when you enter a conversation, know a customer.

Let me give you an example: I went for shopping few months back (Before Pandemic Situation) with my friend as we wanted a similar kind of attire for an event.

After seeing some attire, salesperson walked in and he showed the clothes of same attire but in different sizes. We didn’t even talked about our sizes.

Here what we see is that he understood our needs and what will be perfect as our body sizes were different. He just showed us the product but the way he communicated fulfill our needs, and made the sales accordingly which is successful.

Even good communication skills creates a sense of trust in the mind of customers.

Your words defines your thinking, your actions defines your intensions.

-Nilesh. N

Building a strong brand

How to build a strong brand?

My Mentor (Deepak Kanakaraju) says that ” If you can’t be no1 be the only one”.

What does this exactly means?

You need to choose the right niche which is suitable for you. If you think your right niche has competition then choose the sub-niche.

Sub-niche will make you a leader. You will stand out from others.

Suppose you want to become a Chef then you can choose a specific cuisine to be expert in and become leader in that cuisine.

The deeper you go in a niche the more knowledge and successful you can become.

Wealth equals to n^CATT

CATT Marketing funnel


This is the place where your wealth is constructed.

The ‘n’ stand for NICHE.

Choosing your niche rightly will bring you wealth.

How to choose right niche? Question came in mind right?

It’s simple, choose the area in which your passion, market and talent reflects.

You can’t choose various niche and dream about success. You need to focus on one specific niche. Because when you try to everything, no one will remember you.

And why is that?

When you become everything to everyone. Your products will shallow and won’t provide value to the customers

CONTENT: Practice creating your content through Blogs posts, Videos, Hosting webinars etc.

ATTENTION: Driving attention to your content through SEO, referrals, paid ads, social media, etc.

TRUST: Build your trust with the audience by retargeting them so as to maintain long term customer. Trust can also be built by the content using marketing automations.

TRANSACTION: So now you have provided good content, provided value and built trust. It will be easier to convert your leads into customers.

Integrated Digital Marketing.

If you can see the image above, most of you who are reading this currently might have used one of the medium. You must have used them separately like paid ads or email marketing. But it failed to give you good results.

Do you know why it happened?

Because you can’t try digital marketing in few areas and success.

You need to have a integrated Framework.

Integrated framework will help you gain leads and high sales.

Personal branding and mass trust.

Personal branding means promoting yourself and your products using Digital marketing.

But why personal brand?

Because people trust people more than a specific brand.

For instance: A fashion blogger or Youtuber who takes care of her skin will recommend a product related to her skin care routine. You may buy the product because they use them and recommend to you. You might not buy the same product if you see it in the newspaper.


Because she is a brand in herself, the people trust more when they see results on others.



Always remember that it takes years to build a personal brand and to make it stronger.

These skills needs to be adapted to carry on your personal brand.

LEARN: Learn new skills, analyze them and implement them.

WORK: Keep working with practiced skills.

BLOG: Keep writing because you never forget what you write.

CONSULT: Start searching to the people who need you, consult them and gain knowledge and experience too.

MENTOR: When you mentor some one you gain confidence too. It will help you understand in other aspect too.

How to practice success?

Now by reading this article you have got an idea about everything related to marketing but how you do it exactly. How to successed?

To succeed is simply start implementing what you have learned.

Because you can only learn through implementation and by making mistakes you know where it went wrong so you could improve further.

There is no success without trying.

Invest in right things it will bring happiness.

-Nilesh. N

Thankyou for investing your time in reading this article entirely. It keeps me empowered and focused to deliver value to you.