How to grow your business on Instagram.

It’s 2022 and if you have a business, it’s also necessary to grow your social media presence online.

But first, why is it essential to have an Instagram account for your business?

Instagram was born in 2010 and people could share pictures. Fast forward to May 2016 Instagram launched IG business pages, where you could showcase your brand, your products & services to reach your potential customers.

This made businesses curious to try Instagram because they realized that a huge based of potential customers scrolls through social media

Instagram has more average spent time compared to other social media platforms

Let’s talk about numbers, Instagram has 1 billion active users in a month globally. The country with the largest addressable Instagram ad audience is India (180 million), followed by the United States (170 million).

Sources: (Statista)

Studies have shown that 72% of users make purchase decisions based on Instagram content.

Source: (Retailtouchpoints)

So people are out there, looking for businesses, your products, or services. You can’t force them to follow you right? ALSO, the algorithm keeps on changing, we cannot control that but here’s how you can stand out and reach followers and make them your consumers.

Here’s how:

How to grow your business on Instagram.

Growing your business on Instagram is a matter of patience. Here are the steps to start.

1. Optimise your bio:

Bio defines your business. While making a business account on Instagram, make sure you describe what your business is all about. Having an engaging bio makes users easy to understand your products & services. You can add your website or a contact form.

2. Post unique, fresh content:

Instagram is a visual medium. Catchy and appealing images are a way to go to grow your business page.

For instance: If you are a cosmetics company, you can post tutorials on how to do full make-up for brides. You can use different photo editing tools like Canva, to post content related to your niche in your business.

3. Use of Instagram stories & LIVE:

Instagram stories were launched in 2017 where we can post pictures, infographics, or any video which stays for 24 hours. Similarly, you can keep them as story highlights so that new users can check-in if it interests them.

4. Have a consistent posting schedule:

Business pages tend to reach new people when they put in the effort to post content consistently. People also believe in brands (business pages) when they post they create engaging content.

In addition to that get to know about your best timings to post by checking analytics. Analytics gives you relevant information about your followers.

5. Enter the hashtag game, particularly in your niche:

Hashtags play a vital tool in discoverability. An Instagram post can have a maximum of 30 hashtags. Research for relevant hashtags from your industry (niche), and have a unique hashtag for your brand, Moreover, It’s crucial to choose hashtags that define your business. For Instance use a mix of large, medium, and small hashtags in each post.

To assist you with these hashtag tips, you can use tools like Hashtag expert and Hashtagify to determine hashtags that can help you reach people.

6. Host a “Followers-only” Giveaway or Contest:

People love something when they are offered by brands. They do celebrate by clicking pictures with goodies they are offered or any brand-specific product. Hosting a “followers-only” giveaway or contest not only brings new followers but also increases the visibility of the brand. For Instance, it can be a ” Photo caption contest” by setting rules according to you.

7. Track analytics:

You have set up a great bio, and you have well-researched for hashtags, but these efforts are worthless if you are not tracking your analytics. Use the Instagram analytics tool to determine to see how each post is doing. By clicking “Insights” you get detailed information about a post like (impressions, demographics, account reached, reach by hashtag, reach by home, and replies to the post)



8. Collaboration with Industry leaders or Influencers:

Inviting an industry expert to take charge of your account (taking charge of the account for a specific date & time) can make it exciting for followers.

For instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger took over Gold’s gym Instagram page. It’s important to collaborate with the right people so that even your followers will engage.

9. Be observant:

Instagram is not only about posting, it’s a two communication channel. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, and additionally engage with them by answering questions. Simultaneously Check your DMs and respond to messages you receive.

10. Don’t buy followers:

Like I said people love brands when brands care for them. A brand that creates relationships with followers will be remembered. It’s inappropriate to buy followers because as the time passes the engagement rate will slow down. You can boost your content to reach a similar audience, Organic and paid growth can be a lethal combination. But DON’T buy followers


Initially, when you start your business page it might take time to reach new people, but be consistent with your content. Be creative and use attractive infographics. Instagram is a good marketplace for consumers as 72 % of users make a purchasing decision looking based on what they saw while browsing the app.

Hope you find it useful : )

Do let me know your reviews, and comment down below.

PS: Are you someone who has a business but cannot figure out how to grow Online, book a free consultation call with me HERE